Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Deeper Meaning of Colour - Red Reminds Us To Take Action and Make Important Changes

Colours are so strikingly representative of the various energies we need in our daily life in order to function at a high level. Let us look at red for example. As a hue, it is bold, dynamic and demanding. Psychologically, it represents a decisive force leading to transformation.

This unwavering energy applies to red as a pigment too. It will not tolerate even the slightest admixtures of white or black. If mixed with white, it will turn into a fragile shade of pink: a hue that emotionally has absolutely nothing to do with red. When mixed with black, it will be transformed into a good-natured, lethargic brown. It becomes obvious how indisputable red can be when compared to blue. Blue can be lightened with white or darkened with black but will still retain its typical qualities, such as calm, relaxing and gentle. It also keeps the name of the original primal colour, perhaps with the added adjective of "light" or "dark" blue. If the resolute red tolerates the slightest mixture with white or black, it is banned to another category of hues with an entirely different expression. In fact, many are not even aware that a composed brown and a sweet pink are derived from an aggressive red.

Red represents two vital forms of energy for creating change and transformation. The one form is extremely radical. Some situations require rigorous changes that will significantly impact life: this requires bold courage, focused attention and a strong sense of urgency: energies highly symbolized by red. This form of energy is necessary when stagnation has paralysed the energy flow, creating a dead-end situation. Sometimes old situations have to be destroyed to make room for new concepts. It takes real courage and immense energy to make these changes in life. Many would give up in such cases and stay stuck all their life in a dissatisfying situation. What a pity! When the courage for decisive action has been made, we will often experience a renewed surge of energy, and support from others to carry through.

The other form of energy for creating transformation in life is less radical, but equally as forceful. This incurs taking small yet decisive steps, targeting your energy so that you are continually moving forward to a set goal. This form is less threatening but requires a clear plan and commitment to take action however small. Taking small but goal-oriented actions can help to make big projects seem less daunting. This may incur writing a book, designing a business plan, improving some area of your life where a bad habit has taken charge.

Thus red symbolizes both aggressive radical actions for immediate changes, but also small, focused, step-by-step actions for long-term goals. In both cases, single-mindedness, decisiveness, courage and boldness are required. Without goal oriented action, nothing happens. We would no longer experience such amazing creativity. Everything would stay as before. Red, however, always reminds us to take action.

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