Friday, November 22, 2013

Studying Photography - Does It Really Require Formal Education?

Photography is tough business. You need to know the ropes of business and not just the artistic aspect of photography, if you are to make it on your own as a professional photographer. And then you need to be good enough at your skill to realize what lens is right for what particular conditions. Being a hobbyist photographer is a whole different thing, and being a professional is quite another. If you are really serious about taking this up as a means to earn your livelihood, why not consider going to photography school?

It is true that you can become a good photographer without a degree, as many have in the past. However a few classes are only going to help you along the way. If you are completely new to the subject you should at least get a basic course. You will find a variety of courses out there, and things like continuing education and distance education are great ways to learn the subject without giving it 100% of your time. More often than not, short courses are enough to get one hooked on to the craft and therefore take a few more complicated courses and workshops.

Distance Learning
If you have a job then distance learning can really be it for you. You could continue with your current schedule and never take a risk. If you learn enough and are confident with a few assignments under your belt, then you can leave the day job and concentrate full time on your shooting.

The various choices in photography
Photography is a general term used to describe a variety of professionals. You could be an underwater photographer, an aerial photographer or a fashion photographer just to name a few. As you can well imagine, the only similarity between the three classes mentioned above is the use of the camera. An underwater photographer would need additional training in diving, an aerial photographer would need to be trained in the safety of the skies and a fashion photographer needs to have an eye for fashion. You need to ask yourself what branch of photography you are best cut out for, and take your time to decide on this before you begin building a portfolio around the topic. This is where a training in the subject can really assist you to evaluate your self. When you are given assignments in school to shoot this or that, you quickly begin to understand what you are cut out for. If you are not a very social person, fashion and weddings is not for you, but you may be excellent at real estate photography.

The diversity you find in courses
When you take a course you are opened up to various kinds of photography. Assignments which you work with for your grades could range from fashion, to still life, to high speed photography. This exposure is crucial as you decide on your future job prospects.

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