Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Health Benefits of Napping

In the Philippines, there is an original term of a mid-day nap called Siesta. Derived from centuries under the rule of the Spaniards, napping is quickly forgotten through the Information Age. People are always on the go, whether on taking breakfast or lunch, just to meet deadlines or not to be late on appointments. What most people don't realize is that taking a short nap of 20 minutes a day can boost your productivity and energizes your body!

I used to have problems with my retention of memory just after graduating from college. During work time, I was usually teased by my co-workers as an "old man". I was always stressed out after work and have less time to rest to my daily activities. On one occasion, I tried to sleep for about 10 minutes on my lunch break. To my surprise, I was alert, active, and was not sleepy throughout the day!

I tried to experiment on different time intervals to test what really works for me. The result was that 20 minutes of napping every lunch break is the best for me. To support my claim, I looked around Google for relevant scientific research on napping. Guess what? I am right on the 20 minute nap!

Aside from removing your sleepiness, a 20 minute nap can increase your stamina, alertness, motor learning, and performance. From first hand experience, it also improved my long term memory. The benefits of napping are endless!

So you think it is not possible to sleep during your work hours? Well, huge companies such as Nike and Pizza Hut give their workers nap breaks that boosts their productivity! If you find yourself in a company where sleeping is not allowed, just use your one hour lunch break for a 20 minute short nap. Trust me, you will reap the benefits of it through promotion!

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