Friday, January 24, 2014

Is Inspiration Missing From Your Life

Many of us, through no fault of our own, start off life on the wrong foot. We are conditioned by our parents, family unit, environment, friends, teachers and other supposed role models and mentors. Although these individuals are genuinely good people who love us, they also have never been educated in "how to raise a child," or aware of "what you say and do can have tremendous influence on a child"  Basically, they're innocent human beings, who in the moment, just like you, are doing the best that they can with what they know.

The experiences that we are exposed to as children and young adults, conditions our belief systems going forward. As a result, we paint a canvas for our life in the present, based on the very past paradigms that we have experienced. It's comparable to an artist painting on a brand new canvas, the present, using brushes and paints that are old, stale and brittle, the past.

This past based approach to living our life is limiting, in that it cuts us off from the true power we possess in the present and the access that power gives us to the unlimited possibilities that are present. But because we are not present, we never see or realize them.

Living what I refer to as"a mechanical life," is like being on automatic pilot, like a car rolling down the highway on cruise control. We know we're going somewhere but do we really know where. You've heard me say before that "you are your thoughts." This is why it is so important that you understand that the thoughts you're thinking today, will become your tomorrow.

Thoughts have a basis in reality creation. What you think, good or bad, will become your reality. By taking the time to be more aware of our thoughts and behaviors, we can actually change our belief systems and impact our actions and results.

What you think has everything to do with the reality that you experience. By creating the right image or thought of what you want to achieve in your life, that thought or image has the power to create the appropriate circumstance or outcome that you wish to manifest in your life.

Living With Inspiration

I think of the definition of inspiration as meaning "being in Spirit." To be inspired is to live in Spirit, with purpose and passion. To be inspired, one must; be in Spirit with themselves and the Universe, have a purpose that is as large as life itself and commit to fulfill that purpose with a passion that is all consuming.

Have you ever experienced that in your lifetime? If not, you're missing out on one of the greatest joys of life. Because so many of us do live a mechanical life, we have lost contact with our spirit, which also cuts us off from living a life of purpose and passion.

Inspiration is quite different from the act of motivation. Highly motivated individual's are driven by their ego to succeed and achieve at all costs, to overcome every obstacle and every person who stands in their way. Many of us have been conditioned to believe that this is an admirable trait and as far as accomplishing a specific goal is concerned, it is.

However, when we speak of inspiration, we're not referring to setting and accomplishing goals, we're referring to tapping into the spiritual energy that we were born with and that lives within us. Inspiration is a powerful force that directs us toward or attracts us to our calling.

Inspiration lives hand-in-hand with "the power of uncertainty." In other writings, I've referred to Robert Frost's wonderful quote that says, "there is a time for departure, even when there is no certain place to go." Inspiration is not about certainty or goal setting, it's about having faith in the unknown and in the spiritual energy that lives within you. Inspiration reconnects us to the energy of Spirit in search of the Self and our destiny. It requires great courage to depart the life we know, the mechanical life and venture out to find our purpose and passion.

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