Friday, April 26, 2013

Photography Is A Great Retirement Hobby

One of the most popular leisure time activities for Over55s is photography. This hobby can be inexpensive; although devotees find plenty of fancy equipment they feel they just must have!

The new digital era means that photographs can be downloaded and viewed almost as soon as they are taken. It has an immediate gratification that kept score of people from getting serious about it in the past. We all know how satisfying it can be to email a new batch of pictures to our friends and family. Did you know that many renowned photographers also use digital photography and rarely use a darkroom?

If you like doing things the old-fashioned way, however, and particularly if you've got a little extra room in your house (as many Over-55s do!), developing your own prints can be immensely satisfying. Retirees not only have extra time to devote to their hobbies, they are generally at an age at which they have a lot of patience! Learning the ins and out of darkroom technology is endlessly fascinating to scientists and artists alike.

If you need help getting started in your new hobby, there are classes available at any number of places. Continuing education classes at your local college or university are a great place to get started. This is a great way to meet others who share your interest. U3A or University of the Third Age caters to the Over55s age group very well.

You can specialize your photographic pursuits on any number of subjects. Perhaps you like nature photography, or are interested in doing portraits of your friends and family.

You can take vacation photography to a whole new level! There are several tour companies that arrange group travel based on scenery that is of interest to photographers. From tigers to polar bears, wildlife is available to you through your lens. So are Mayan ruins, European ports, and African savannahs. Finding a great shot may become the new focus of your travel plans. What a fantastic retirement gift to yourself!

Photography may not at first glance seem like an adventurous hobby, but it can take you to some unexpected places. As your expertise grows, so will your willingness to go wherever the dazzling scenery takes you. You may find yourself closer to a man-eater than you ever thought possible - good thing you've got your telephoto handy!

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