Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Importance of a Business Plan

The Business Plan is by far the most important element in starting and effectively operating a company. Whether you intend to secure funding via family, friends, acquaintances, venture capitalists, banks, or any other avenue; A professionally written plan enables you to present yourself and your company as a viable competitor in your prospective market. The entrepreneur can not make the assumption that a great idea and years of experience in a particular field of expertise is enough to win the hearts and minds of investors or lenders. In today's marketplace funding resources want to see a well articulated, precise, and detailed depiction of the aspects that set your company apart from competition, how you plan to grow your business for at least the first 3 to 5 years, and the education and expertise of your management team.

Although a Business Plan is crucial in obtaining funds for start-up and operational costs, it is just as critical in the day-to-day operations of any company. A Business Plan gives each company and its management team a "blueprint" to follow as to how the business will achieve the goals set forth prior to the start of business. These goals can include: Securing a place in a particular market, carrying out community involvement initiatives, maintaining employee morale, and garnering maximum profits to name a few. It is not necessary to follow a plan every day of business, however it serves as a reference to be examined annually, semi-annually, or even quarterly in order to make certain your company does not veer off of its predetermined path.

The final benefit of a well developed plan is its use as a recruitment tool for upper level management and key personnel affiliated with a company. It would behoove any business owner to form a management team whereby every individual member brings his/her own skill set and educational background to the "board room." No particular manager or key member within an organization will be adept in every aspect of the company. Furthermore, a well prepared plan assists an owner in acquiring adequately trained professionals to complete the company management team and any company/team is only as good as its leaders.

A professionally prepared plan is paramount in the development AND execution of all successful businesses. If attempting to secure financing, no investor or lender will take you serious without a well thought out and well prepared Business Plan. Funding sources have detailed guidelines that they want to be followed in the format of your business plan so Solicit the help of a professional Business Plan Writer to help convey your ideas in a clear, precise, and detailed manner. Remember, ultimately your Business Plan is the most essential investment in your company and its future successes.

~A.L. Demings~

"Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now" ~Alan Lakein~

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