Sunday, March 9, 2014

Working On Photography Internships

Every type of photography offers photography internships. When you apply for a job, you have to go through an application process. This always includes an interview. Photography internships follow this precedent. Unlike a job, they usually don't provide an income. If there is money offered, it won't be much.

Many photography internships work with a college or several colleges to provide academic credit. If this is the case, then you could actually end up paying to do the internship. You may be able to use financial aid, depending on how your college classifies internships.

A photography internship will probably have regular hours that you're required to work and a dress code. In many ways, it really is just like having a job. You are expected to be on time and do your share. Interns are usually on the bottom of the ladder. You may end up answering to a lot of different people as a result. You may end up competing with others from all over the country for an internship. Nationally distributed magazines and nationally recognized photographers are among those who offer them.

Another type of photography internship is one that allows you the opportunity to study abroad. To prepare for an interview, you need to be well versed in all aspects of photography. Different internships will focus on different parts of photography. You may be expected to be familiar with things that you wouldn't normally associate with photography.

Be attentive when screening photography internships. There is a good chance that you won't know what to expect walking in on the first day. However, if you read the information over carefully and asked the right questions during the interview, you will have a much better chance of avoiding unpleasant surprises.

It is possible that you will spend more time on the business side of photography while doing an internship. You may be doing more office work and less photography. This really isn't a bad thing, though. The difference between a successful photographer and a struggling photographer is often business. A photographer who lacks business sense will have trouble turning a profit.

If you don't want to spend your semester as an office clerk, you do have other options. There are photography internships available that focus on the creative side of photography. In this type of internship, you will learn more about how to take professional pictures. You will probably get the best advantage from doing at least one of each type of photography internships.

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