Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Managing Time on Social Networks and Major Search Engines

For Internet and Web users what is important is being able to manage our time well whether it is home, jobs, business, or recreation. We all use Search Engines and Social Networks. They have become trusted ways to both search for information and socialize over information. Supply and demand is increasing. For someone new to the Internet, it can be difficult to navigate.


The benefit of major search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Ask, Bing) is that they are organic or natural--they allow use without paying a fee. They allow users to search for information on the Web based on what is typed into a search box and, what a site publisher makes available to the Web through content.

They are targeted. Search engine display pages on search results based on requests attempting to find the best match. Publishers supply content. Users supply requests. The goal of the user is to find targeted information. The publisher produces content with the intent of supplying targeted information. Search Engines do the rest.

Publishers produce enough content to be indexed and provided on search engines. Within a matter of months if keywords (Your search requests) and content flow are consistent, a site will show up on major search engines. Where it shows up on search result pages is a matter of quality and competition from other sites. Most shoot for being found on the first two pages of results. Not easy.


Social is supposed to include fun but the first thing to note, they require vigilant attention to be beneficial. Any neglect of sustaining a conversation with subscribers easily results in being forgotten. They require hands on management. It is not unusual to find the top social networkers spending the better part of a day (Every day) on social networks. For publishers this could result in neglecting your blog or website spending less time creating content.

Social Networks such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter are designed for social connections whether it is with friends, family, coworkers or business associates. They are also utilized by small businesses and large corporations as marketing tools and customer service venues.

Defining how you want to use a social network is the most important aspect of being able to manage them. Many of us made the mistake of reciprocating links. You join me. I join you. It soon becomes unmanageable. Family and friends aside, following or joining those with similar interests or, used as a marketing tool can help achieve longevity, trust and could result in a business finding new customers and clients. Ask yourself how it can benefit you.

How much time can you spend each day interacting with followers or subscribers without neglecting other important tasks? Remember as numbers increase, the time spent managing the growth increases.


Search Engines and Social Networks are crucial resources and potential time wasters. We use Search Engines to find targeted information. At the point we have located what we need the use ends. No social obligation is required unless we choose.

Social Networks are great places to find people and a variety of information and links. It is the new and proverbial, conversation over coffee klatch. They are designed for and most effective in connecting on a purely social basis. The intent of use defined by you.

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