Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Benefits of a Cold Laminator

Have you ever wanted to show someone a picture of your children only to find that after you had sat on their pictures, or stored them in your purse, you did not recognize them yourself? Want to solve that problem? There are many laminating machines out there to choose from.

The difference between hot laminating and cold laminating are pretty well explained in their titles. Hot laminating uses heat, whereas cold uses pressure sensitive adhesive within the laminating pouches to encapsulate your picture or document. Pouch laminating is a general term that refers to some types of laminators, but for the purposes of this article we will just refer to pouches as the material you use to laminate. Needed laminating supplies may vary, coming in rolls or sheets, as it depends on the job at hand. Best practice is to purchase a laminating machine that is capable of many different types of seal laminating.

The most integral difference between cold and heat laminating is that sometimes using heat to laminate can damage the picture or document resulting in loss instead of preservation.

Maybe you are a crafter, quilter, or into scrap-booking? When was the last time you went for an instruction paper only to find that it was in six different pieces, and you lost the most important part? Many schools and groups have clubs that are very serious about their projects. Scrap-booking is very popular now, and many different hands touch the material and instructions. The cold laminator is safe and protects each paper efficiently.

Quilting is another art that is coming back. My mother has made many quilts for our family. She measured and cut each pattern piece with love. Now you can take each little pattern and protect it with lamination. It only takes a few minutes and can protect each pattern piece for many years.

There are so many uses for a laminator machine. They are inexpensive, and you save the trip to the professional shops. The money you save would pay for your own machine. I use my laminator for many things at home. I do my recipes, my children's birth certificates, my Sunday school projects, and the list goes on!

Cold Laminator Machines

  • Xyron 145611 ezLaminator Laminating Machine - The machine uses two sided laminating cartridges, 30 feet long. Great for small personal laminating and home laminating. This 9" lamination machine comes with a 5-ft two sided cartridge as well as a 30ft two sided cartridge which makes it a great value for the price. Hand crank operation ensures smooth steady accuracy.

  • Apache AL25P 25" professional Cold Press Laminator - A non-electric solution to laminating. This table-top unit is perfect for large laminating jobs. An affordable solution with no electric input, can be used anywhere.

  • PERFECT 25" Manual Cold Laminating Machine - It is perfect for card covers, paper back book covers, menus, invitations, and more. This machine has soft rollers with adjustable pressure to assure the best quality lamination for your document. This model makes large cold laminating jobs more affordable.

For Heavier or Commercial use, you can purchase one of several "Cold Laminator" for $1000.00 - up to $8,000.00. Many schools or churches run projects for Posters, Banners, Artwork, Signs, Menus, Maps and much more.

For example: The Jm18 Model by Drytac costs around $1100.00. It is a table-top model widely used by Photography studios, picture framers, digital art studios, and other creative shops. The commercial heavy-duty machines include the Royal RCC-1400 55 inch Format. It can run multiple copies of posters, training aids, rigid signs, floor graphics, and much more.

The cold laminator is heat free, and easy to learn how to use. The supplies needed for each machine can be ordered from the same companies that supply each machine. There are many styles, types, and prices for the cold laminator machines to fit each need and each project. Purchase a lamination machine today to preserve your precious memories, and enrich your current ones.

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