Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What is the Equipment of Choice For Wedding Photography?

It's a special day. Just not for the photographer. I have shot many weddings, and believe me, the last thing anybody wants to do is listen to the photographer. But, I have to admit; I love shooting weddings! Everyone looks great, everyone has smiles and everyone is having a great time (well, most of the time, anyway).

If you are going to venture into the world of wedding photography (a lucrative world, I might add) then you need to be prepared with the right equipment. You never know what is going to happen on the day of the event, and you don't get to come back and do a re-take. You only get one shot to get that perfect shot. Be Prepared!

First you need a Camera!

Well, duh! You need a good camera, I should add. Nowadays, everything is turning to digital, so you might as well too. I personally love Nikon, but Canon is just as good, it is really up to your personal preferences. Play around with the DSLR's that are on the market, get a sense of them. It is well worth the investment.

Second you need good Lenses!

The lenses that come with the DSLR kit are okay, but not really appropriate for shooting weddings, or really anything that you are expecting someone to pay for. You will want a lens with a large maximum aperture (f/2.8 or larger). This will let you use the available light more readily than other lenses. Churches can be very dim, so invest in this piece of equipment. You will also want a wide-angle zoom lens (for closed in spaces) and a wide-to-telephoto zoom lens (great for group photos, and ¾ portraits).

The next piece of equipment of choice for wedding photography is...


Lighting is critical in photography, and you do not want to deal with a Bride, who thinks you have given her unflattering lighting. Again, invest in your business. You will want a speedlight TTL. They are light, and easy to set up and teardown, not to mention, you don't need electrical outlets. You will also want to get a set of sturdy light stands, they will be worth the money, just be sure to get a pair that are easy to setup and teardown. The only person that anyone is willing to wait on at a wedding is the Bride, not the photographer. Your time is precious; so don't waste it with technical details.

Extra, Extra!

Bring extras of everything; batteries, memory cards, light bulbs, tape, Q-tips (great for cleaning out sand from your lens), absolutely everything. You do not want to arrive at the venue and then realize, "Oh my god! My battery is dead on my speed light, and I don't have any on me!"

The last piece of equipment that is vital to shoot weddings is...


Okay, so you don't need it the day of the wedding, but you definitely need it or another photo editor! Photoshop CS2 is my recommendation; it is easy to learn and is essential for touching up those photos. The best way to succeed in this business is to over-deliver, and this tool is essential for doing just that.

Well, now that you know all of the equipment of choice for wedding photography, you are ready to get out there, and take shoot some wonderful memories.

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