Saturday, October 12, 2013

Definition of Engraving

Engraving has been a practice since ancient times. Ancient people use engravings to produce images or sometimes tell a message. One of the most popular places in the world that is well-known for engravings is Egypt. History will tell you that Egyptians communicate through engravings. This is how they record the sacred events that happened to their place or their people.

By the way, what is engraving? Engraving is the practice of incising a design on a flat surface to portray a particular symbol or image. The common material that is used for engravings are; glass, Different kinds of metal, wood, gold, silver, copper, and other kinds of metals. Also, in history, engraving is a very important tool since it's a method that is use to provide images in the paper, both in artistic printmaking and commercial reproduction and illustration for books and magazines.

In our generation today, engraving has eventually been replaced by photography for the reason that it's difficult to learn the technique. But the traditional engraving is still continuously being practice by goldsmiths, glass engraver, gunsmith, wood maker, and others. They still do this for a living. But now, because of the advanced machines that were invented, there is now an available engraver machine in the market. These machines were invented to make everything easier and convenient for people.

The tools being used in engraving are specialized tools. These tools have different sizes and functions as well. They are still available in the market even though there are already some advanced machines but other people still prefer to do it manually. One reason is that, there could be cases that other people still want to customize the engravings that they want. They want to make it more personal and unique. Like for example if you are buying a ring for your girlfriend and you want to engrave some message around the ring.

Engraving has been a very important part of our history and also in commercial history. Today, engraving has been included as part of arts since there are people who could engrave different arts of images. This is very common in wood engravings that are usually used for house decors. There are also schools available if you want to learn about engraving, sculpturing, and other arts. The method and techniques may not be as easy as you see them. You need to be dedicated if you want learn how to do engraving.

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