Friday, January 17, 2014

Photographers - Techniques For Gathering Email Addresses For Marketing Your Business

Collecting email addresses is and sending out a monthly newsletter is an effective way to market a photography business. While some photographers may feel it is too bold to request personal information, requesting email addresses can be done in a way that is not intrusive or manipulative and is beneficial both to the client and the business owner.

Consider the following practices to collect email addresses:

Ask directly and explain exactly why you are collecting the address. This can be done in a number of different ways. When you meet another parent at a PTA meeting (or other social event) after explaining what your profession is, often the parent will say: "I've been thinking of having pictures taken." Or "I love pictures," etc. At this point don't be shy. Explain to them that you run specials from time to time. Ask for their email address. Nine times out of ten they will give it to you. These are high response people. They are people who now know you, hopefully like you and will remember you when your email comes in their mailbox.

Another way to take the direct approach is to request email addresses on your website. Right on your splash page, include an invitation for the visitor to receive notification of promotions by entering their email address. You can offer a contest or a prize but often this is not necessary. Those who are interested in investing in photography and like your work will want to hear the promotions. Again you are able to gain an email address of someone who is interested in your product and will not view your email in their inbox as a bother.

A third way to collect email addresses is to offer to email clients with a link to their galleries. Ask for their email address by the time you have completed the session. By the end of the session they are excited to see the results of their investment. Knowing that giving you the email address will allow them to see their pictures sooner will motivate them to provide you with this information.

Using email to market is an important strategy for growing your business. Don't be shy. Ask for those addresses.

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