Monday, June 17, 2013

Cherish Your High School Memories With Personalized Yearbooks

When you think of high school days, a row of nostalgic thoughts will definitely arise in your minds. They will include the memories of your best friends and the fun you had with them, your favorite teachers, and the unforgettable summer camps. However, you can remember them only to a certain extent. As days pass, new memories will replace those precious moments. To treasure such lovely moments, take full advantage of custom yearbooks.

With a school photo book, you get an album that is dedicated to your precious moments. If you are confident of your creative abilities, you can create one of your own. However, it can get messy and might not turn out the way we desire. Online photo books are easy, affordable, and provide you various options. There are plenty of ways by which one can personalize his/her yearbook. Here is a general idea as to how you can create your own personalized yearbook.

Logically, the first step would be to collect all your high school snaps. They can include even mobile camera snaps. Include pictures that were taken during prize distribution ceremonies. There might be plenty of snaps from each school year with your friends and teachers. Find the ones that are most relevant to you. Then, sort each year's photos separately.

Now that you have sorted them, what you need to do is to find a theme that suits best for your pictures. Pick a theme that best highlights your photos. Then arrange your photos under various captions such as 'my summer camp' or 'my friends'. You will be able to arrange your photos in different orientation and styles. Apart from adding photos, you can add some thoughts or speech bubbles to make a school photo book more interesting. The photo that best reminds you of the particular year may be put on the cover of your yearbook so that a glance is all that it takes you to remind yourself of the contents.

These online photo books are not only a means for rejoicing your past memories, but also a way to look at how you have developed over the years. They can be shared with your friends at a later time to remind them as well as you of those lovely High school memories.

One of the best online sources for personalized school photo albums is, where you can find several possibilities. All you need to do is to click on a theme, upload pictures, and arrange them before you order.

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