Monday, August 5, 2013

A Beginner's DSLR Astrophotography Guide - Shooting the Stars

Taking pictures of the night sky and all their celestial beauty does not have to only be for professional photographers with fancy cameras. This is called astrophotogrphy (astro=stars photo=pictures) and all you need to start out, and get hooked on this fun hobby is a digital camera. This guide will try to give you some simple starter tips with easy to understand basic information on taking pictures of the stars. If you find you like it, you can then pursue more in depth information on this website and with recommended e-books.

You can get started taking your own astronomical pictures with almost any kind of digital camera. Eventually you will need a tripod, but to start out, you could just use a beanbag and place it on the hood of your car or some similar solid object you have in your backyard. Your favorite constellations, the Moon, twilight scenes, star trails, the brighter planets, and the Milky Way (if you have a dark observing location) are some of the more common celestial objects that can be shot with just your digital camera, with or without a tripod.

Along the way in your new found venture, you will learn about digital or DSLR camera basics, light adjustment, how to actually start taking pictures and develop the ability to judge and pick the best images. Digital SLR astrophotography is a very rewarding hobby. There is no need to rush out and buy the most expensive digital camera or telescope to get started. Start with the basics and upgrade from there. Happy shooting!

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