Sunday, September 1, 2013

Understanding the Steps to Becoming an Animator

Animation is a constantly growing industry. From cartoons to advertisements, animators are needed for a multitude of things. When deciding to pursue a career in animation, knowing what is required of animators is helpful for obtaining a successful career.

Though it is not necessary, becoming well versed in all artistic mediums can be extremely useful when it comes to a career in animation. Drawing is probably the most obvious medium that helps with animation. It teaches basic design skills when it comes time to create animated figures. Knowledge of sculpture and ceramics comes in handy when creating clay animations. This can help the animator to create coherent and well shaped figures that are interesting and functional. Because picture taking is a major part of animation, understanding photography is also important to make sure that images are properly captured in an artistic manner. Cinematography is a major part of the animation process, so it is important to know how to capture basic shots and use lighting effectively.

When deciding to get into the field of animation, animators should try to choose a specific area of focus. There are many different directions to go with in this field. When people thing of animation, many tend to automatically think of cartoons. While this is one of the most traditional uses for animation, there are numerous other options. Websites often utilize animation and the video game industry has a limitless need for good animators. Animation can also be used in advertisements and non-animated movies, like Jurassic Park. Choosing a specific type of animation can help to become an expert in a certain area.

Going to an accredited school is important for anyone that wants to be an animator. There are many programs out there that offer education in the field of animation. Not only are there several four year schools, like the Art Institutes, but there are also accelerated degree programs available in animation. Getting a degree can not only help become more knowledgeable, but it can also help aspiring animators to get internships in their field, giving them practical working experience.

Creating good references is important when trying to break into the animation industry. This is another reason that a degree is a good idea for future animators. Professors often make great references, and internships during school can help during the application process as well. When applying for jobs it is also important to have a portfolio of work to show potential employers what kind of skills they can expect. This portfolio can easily consist of projects done in school which exemplify skills as an animator.

There are several different options out there for animators. Understanding the animation process and what is required in the industry is important when trying to break into the field. Becoming well versed in all subjects pertaining to animation can make any animator a desirable candidate to future employers.

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