Sunday, December 8, 2013

Setting Life Goals For Single Childless 40+ Women

An Old year gone a New Year begins setting life goals for the single childless 40+woman, a time for much reflection. We look back not only on the past year, but the past years accomplishments or lack thereof. It is never too late to begin setting new goals. Many single women look back and consider their regrets of decisions made years earlier. Aging tends to bring on serious soul searching and contemplation of life. Entering a New Year once again brings reassessing and making new resolutions, or goals or plans for a fresh new start.

This is an awesome time for to set new goals and make changes, and/or alter in our mundane lives. We have become creatures of habit; what changes can we make that will make our lives more intriguing? Try new things. There must be a challenge that you have secretly wanted to meet. What has held you back? Fear, imagining it's too late, imagining it ridiculous? Why not take the chance on a challenge this year. Challenge yourself to do something out of the ordinary, and make it work! Isn't it time you live your life with some adventure.

In setting life goals, this can all change in 2010. You can be that risk taker, aim high and challenge yourself. Then immediately find an accountability partner; someone who will hold you to task to meeting that goal. There is an energy that comes from meeting the challenge. An excitement to know that this 'mission' that you see as unimaginable will become your burning aspiration. Here are some ideas: Changing your job or career, going back to school, starting your own business, selling some of your art, songs, crafts, writings, doing a demo CD, writing (articles, blogs, a book), going sky diving, bungy jumping, take an art or photography class, become a volunteer at a nursing home, a mentor at a Boys and Girls Club, go to your local hospital volunteer to sit with cancer patients (adult or children), send letters and packages to soldiers in the service, become technology or social media savvy (get a Facebook/Twitter accounts) and connect with friends/family and other women who share your interests. Find a cause that you are passionate about and dedicate at least an hour a week to it.

Once you have set your goal/challenge journal your progress. If you compass your journey you will read back at year end and examine your accomplishments. This may take some reorganization of priorities. Spend more time focusing on your dream; this may mean less time watching TV. Discipline yourself to on task and if you find you are veering off alter your methods and continue to press forward towards setting your life goals.

One year ago I searched the web for information geared towards single childless 40+ women and there was not a strong presence representing us. I set out to speak to other single childless women and started The Big Girl Talk weblog. My mission now is through The BGT sisterhood/weblog to gather other women who meet the prototype and become a resource and networking community. In this sorority you will find your safe haven and platform where you the SC40+ woman's voice will heard.

In setting life goals what challenges would you want to meet this coming year? And how would they improve your life?

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