Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wedding Photography Etiquette Of a Professional Photographer

Everything done in the world has some etiquette and ethics. A person who is professional is considered professional not only because of the expertise in his work but also for his etiquettes. If you are a new photographer or becoming one, you should know the wedding photography etiquette so your success as a photographer is unhindered. There is no rocket science involved in being well-mannered during wedding photography however these small things must be in knowledge of a photographer so his personality and behavior during photography is a self-marketing campaign.

Just Stay Professional

The word professional is overused these days especially when you search online for expert services but only a few people know about its strict meaning. One of the most essential traits of a professional of any field is patience and wedding photography etiquette require the same from you. Whatever promises you have made and committed to the families must be met on the wedding day. You must make sure to reach the occasion on time and leave on the specified time not before or after, unless some changes are made on the spot. Stay very patient and polite because you will be bumping in a lot of guests during the party.

Don't Be The Hero Of The Party

Remember, you have to let the groom be the hero of this party and reflect this in photographs as well. You wouldn't want to come in front and dominate the guests during various rituals and rites. You must make sure to be flowing like silent stream in the party and your presence should not even be felt. Just imagine a director's presence in the movie who is present in all the scenes but you never see him on the screen. Avoid interference with the guests as much as possible.

Proper Dress Code

This is probably the most important wedding photography etiquette. You must remember yourself as a photographer not as a part of the family unless you are given some special instructions about the dress code. Regardless of whether they wear formal or informal dresses on the wedding, you must make sure to be formal and presentable. If you are confused about your dressing, just consult with the wedding parties i.e. bride or groom, about the right dress code for you.

Untying The Knots

This could be an extra job for the photographer but that's where your true skills come into play. Several people will be having several wishes for their pictures. Everyone will request some new pose in the picture. There could be a conflict of opinions between the bride and groom on how to or how not to pose in the picture. This is the time when your knowledge of photography will allow you to find a middle way that solves the problem then and there.

Let The Humor Be Humorous

This is one of the most difficult parts of wedding photography etiquette. If you find something funny happening in the venue you have to make sure to capture it in the most professional way. Not too close and not too far, just enough distance to catch that funny moment without making it look horrendous.

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