Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Opportunities Don't Always Come Twice

I am sure that many of you are tired of looking online for a way to make some extra money. Some of us have even been burned with a plethora of "business opportunities" or "be the next online millionaire" or "make six figures online in two days". Well, I have still to find one of those that really work and believe me, I have tried quite a few, and so many that my pocket is not in talking terms with me anymore.

I can honestly tell you, I know now what fish feel like when at the end of a hook. We swim around the bait, we look at it, we smell it and after circling around and google-ing a couple of articles about our bait and feeling like sharks, we bite, but truly we are only minnows. The fishermen at the other end of the rod have done this for a very long time; some of them have even hired very expensive bait designers so the lure is irresistible. After the initial hype of yes, this looks good, I will be racking in tons of money in a few days, heck, even if it takes me two weeks I will be in financial heaven, you come to terms with the gruesome reality, "I have been scammed", and you find yourself out of your hard earned Starbucks Budget or in some very bad cases, our of your next month rent. I could use quite a few descriptive words to qualify these so called Gurus, but I am sure your imagination can do a far better job at that, plus I don't want to be banned from the Internet.

The reason why most of us fall in these quick sand traps is "need". Yes, the more you need to bring in money, the more desperate you are to try almost anything, so listen well my little grasshoppers, keep your cool and use some sense. The second reason why we become sitting ducks is "greed", so here is your second pill Scrooge, you can make money, just take it slowly. The only get rich quick schemes I know are hit the lottery or have a letter delivered from your recently deceased rich aunt's lawyer.

The best way I have to analyze the value of what I am getting into is, "did I learn anything from it". After I got taken advantage from way to many sites and products, I came to the conclusion that I was going at it the wrong way, I was expecting for the product I bought to make the money for me. This will never happen. You have to work to see results and even though it is not hard labor, you have to put in some time and effort. You don't give a man a fish, you teach him how to catch them. So this is what I looked for in my next venture, and I found it. The knowledge alone, made this investment worth it. If you are a rookie, a newbie, a greenie, whatever they call it nowadays, this is the way to go. You need to learn how to crawl before you get your own airplane.

Here is a product that is filled with learning tools, step by step guides, questions and answers, and it is delivered in a very simple, easy to understand method. The learning process alone is worth it, the fact that you can actually make some money is already a gain, but remember, easy does it and don't bite more than you can chew, there is enough out there for all of us.

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