Monday, February 3, 2014

Create A Great, Unique Family Photo Collage

It's likely that you, similar to many families, have a great many digital pictures, printed and non-printed. Even though it is great to own a digital camera, it may often create a lot of picture disorder throughout your house. As soon as you've taken a photo, it can be quite difficult to just delete it. Just erasing a spare photo can be a very difficult thing to do, even when you have other pictures that are similar or look slightly better. If you have extra pictures lying around on a CD or perhaps in a crate, why don't you use them? You may do several different things with your old pictures, like making a creative collage of family photos.

Selecting Your Photographs

Usually it won't be hard to find a varying selection of photos for the collage. In fact if you have any difficulties, it will probably be with deciding on which pictures to use and which ones not to use. Part of the beauty of digital photos is the potential to easily print multiple copies. So if several family members would like a certain picture, just print multiple copies as needed. There might be times that you decide that it is more affordable to have your photos printed at a local store than it would be to print them out yourself and have to spend money for the ink cartridges and photo paper.

Deciding what your general theme is will be the first step in the task of selecting your photos. For example, you may want to create a holiday collage composed of photos from holidays past. These collages often look great when displayed in picture frames together with the rest of your holiday house decor. Vacation photos, baby pictures, or school photos may also work great for themed collages.

Getting Your Work Place Ready

When you've chosen a nice variety of pictures, it's time to get to work. Unless you want to risk getting adhesive or scuff marks on your dining room or kitchen table, the first step should be protecting its surface. An old vinyl fabric tablecloth can work especially nicely for this purpose. Getting all the items that your family will need to make the photo collages is also a fantastic idea so they won't need to run all over the place later on. Child-safe scissors, measuring sticks, photo-safe glue and double sided adhesive tape can all be handy for this project. This project is also a great opportunity to use any paper scraps or other extra scrapbooking materials you may have.

Constructing Your Collage

Once you have your table surface protected and the craft materials collected, it's time to have some fun. Give everybody a sturdy piece of poster board or heavy cardstock to use as a base. Since everyone will likely have their own idea of what defines "beautiful photo collage art," try not to give too much artistic advice to other members of the family. Try to focus on your own collage instead and let everybody else do their own. When you're done, you will have a variety of unique photo collages created, a number of which will be excellent for displaying as art in picture frames throughout your home.

So get started today on your family photo collage. Use these few simple hints and you cannot go wrong.

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