Friday, December 6, 2013

Places to Sell Photos Online

Earn up to $2286/month (based on May'06 earnings) by selling your digital photos online

It's now easier than ever to earn extra money from your images by selling them online via specialist websites. It goes without saying that to be successful you shots need to be well composed, in sharp focus, accurately exposed, digital noise free, and available in high resolution format. But presuming that all this is in order, how do you maximize sale ability?

First, you need to find out whether a website will be worth your while by logging on and having a look around. Views the types of images stocked, and determine whether yours are on par with their quality and style, but be wary if there are a lot of images similar to your own. Most websites offer data detailing how many images are online, how many visitors and searchers there are per week and the number of times each image has been downloaded. Use this information to answer the question: How likely is it that I will actually sell my images through this website?

Once upload, your next challenge will be to make it as easy as possible for potential buyers to locate your images. This involves master the website's search facilities works and decide how you're going to categorizing and keywords your images.


Sellers can usually place images in more than one category - exploit this by placing yours in as many as possible. The importance of this is that while visitor and site members browse websites, photo buyers shop by category. Getting your photos listed within the right categories ensures they appear in front of the right audience.


Keywords are there to give your photos a further away of being found by searches, and websites will give you a certain amount of characters to play with, which you should exhaust. Keep your keywords simply and accurate.

Please visit to see which stockphoto agency I submit my photos to and how much money I make from each agency.

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