Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Time Management For School

Poor time management can lead to failing grades and even failure to successfully pass a class. As a student, you will benefit from effective time management skills as much as any adult. Plus, these skills will help carry you throughout life. So, how can you better manage your time in order to get your school work done quicker and spend more time doing what you want?

Steps to Better Time Management

There are certain steps that you can take when trying to manage your time.

1. Determine your biggest time wasters. For students, a lot of time is wasted socializing with friends. Although you might think it is a priority to talk to Gina about what Craig said at lunch, the story will still be the same after you finish your Math assignment.
2. Set daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals for yourself. Setting smaller goal will help you move towards your larger ones on a daily basis.
3. Write down what needs to be done to accomplish these goals. This will set you up for the next step.
4. Make a daily to-do list based on step #3. Put your larger or more important tasks first and smaller tasks last.
5. Avoid your biggest time wasters while you are completing your to do list. This will help limit your distractions.

By following these steps you will learn how to use your time more efficiently and achieve your goals in less time. This will afford you much more time to not only do what you have to do, but what you want to do as well.

Below are a few more school related tips for better time management.

Tips for Better Time Management
o Reward yourself after you complete your to-do list for the day. (This will give you an incentive to finish.)
o Designate specific blocks of time to dedicate to your to-do list and to your biggest time wasters. (This way, you aren't constantly thinking about one while doing the other.)
o Build a routine. If you sit down and do your homework right after school, doing so consistently will get easier and easier as time goes by.
o Save the best for last: If you tackle the most difficult task first, while your mind is still fresh. This will make the easier tasks something to look forward to completing.
o Get help when you need it. Many people are afraid to ask for help. Not understanding the material can cause procrastination. So, get help from a teacher, a tutor, or peer. It will pay big dividends.
o Keep things organized, so you don't waste time looking for stuff.
o Remember the acronym "PROD". It stands for Preparation, Routine, Organization, and Delegation and it can go a long way when it comes to saving time.

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